

1.Who is the narrator? 2.Who is Tom’s mistress? 3.Who’s eyes watch over The Valley of Ashes? 4.Who is Gatsby’s associate? 5.What sport did Jordan Baker use to play and cheat in? 6.When was the story’s setting? - (19xx’s) 7.What huge bad thing did Meyer Wolfsheim do? 8.Where do Jordan and Nick meet?


Literature can be described as works of art with some sort of moral, message, or meaning behind or attached to the writing. "American" does not necessarily mean the author or story has to be 100% established and created in America. As long as the idea is approved and adopted into our society, it becomes American. As long as you put your ideas into words and share them with people, you contribute to literature in general which is more than well.


“Luctor Et Emergo” Our own ideas and philosophies make us intellectuals. By being mindful and curious, we expand ourselves as an individual even if we don’t realize. Everything we do can be a learning experience. Our thoughts are not the subject being graded rather the general idea of us forming thoughts and trusting in them with confidence. All of our preferences make us unique and as long as it’s not joy in homicide or related topics, our uniqueness is derived from our choices and likes/ dislikes. We are who we are because of what we choose to choose to be.

My Pedestrian Essay

     Imagine what it would be like to be arrested for being different. Performing actions in which can set off others and cause them to be suspicious and possibly even more observant over you and what you do. In the short story, The Pedestrian , a man is arrested for walking. This may spark curiosity in some people and cause them to think, “What did he do?” or “How did he provoke them?” However, all he did was walk. Who knew that being amble was a criminal act. Technology took over the world so it was expected people drove where they needed to go or just stay home and watch their television.             Bradbury knew the importance of living life through your own eyes without a screen. As good as it can be to stay updated in the world so you can keep yourself safe and informed, some stuff on the internet can ruin your life with hackers and others that can very easily manipulate the hypnotized people. Some people dedicate their whole lives into their phones or computers. People are


At the time, he felt like it was something completely outrageous that could not possibly happen. Although in modern times, that can easily be the case. He used logical sequence that could happen but probably only to a certain few people during his times. To his readers, they feared a world like that. Hypnotized people living like robots staring into a screen with no outside communication.


A URL can distinguish what kind of website you are getting involved in while to others it can appear as just some way to know you are on the right page. The internet is very useful for some people but can be scary for others. While some people put their whole life into the internet including social security, pictures, life updates, credit card information, etc. others fear the internet due to hackers and scammers. 2.0 can be represented as upgraded or "better" dare I say but that is not the case to everyone. My grandma or example says 2.0 can just be a slightly changed version of an item that companies try to make seem way more useful and necessary so they can sell more of that product and make more money. After all, we are a money-hungry world.


Our time leaves rapidly and we can't prevent it. Our time is valuable and yet all we can do is kiss it goodbye as implied through figurative language in the poem. We cannot grasp sand which represents the hourglass. That can symbolize time in our life as in how long we have to live and no matter how much we try to save some, our youth leaves us and comes with complications.